Friday, October 2, 2009

See here is the thing

Original posting

Posted by Socrates (Profile)
Wednesday, September 30th at 4:55PM EDT

All of the backlash, the Tea Parties, the town hall meetings, the rise in the right-leaning blogosphere are all about one thing.

Barack Obama and his fellow marxists* in Washington want to take the thing from us. We even want them to have it. But we are determined that they will not take it from us.

First, what the thing is not.

* The thing is not money

The debates we have often take place in monetary terms — adding to deficits, raising or lowering taxes, etc. Barack Obama and his fellow marxists in Washington want our money, and we want to keep our money from them. But money is just a proxy for the thing.

* The thing is not justice

Barack Obama and his fellow marxists in Washington talk about “economic justice”, by which they mean to ensure, by whatever means necessary, that everyone has enough money. Like the rest of Marxism, it’s a hollow dream, because it’s unattainable, and even if it were attainable, would be worthless. You cannot assure that each one has enough without crushing the hope to gain more than enough, nor without also producing a society of slaves.

* The thing is not equality

Barack Obama and his fellow marxists in Washington mouth the words that they want equality, but as explained above what they really mean is that no one has any more than anyone else. They expressly do not mean equality before the law, for they see the law as a tool for adjusting the place each of us has. In a world build by their accounting of justice, none must ever end with means greater than the next. All they ever really mean by their redistribution schemes is to take power from those who have it and give it to themselves.

* The thing is not success

Like money, “justice”, and “equality”, Barack Obama and his fellow marxists in Washington claim to want power. They say they want change, but what they really want is the power to implement a utopian fantasy of a socialist workers’ paradise. We do not wish them success in this, but wish them to fail.

* The thing is not power

While we really don’t want them to have the power they now hold, the thing is not the power. We don’t want that power for ourselves, for we do not believe anyone should have the power they seek, and in fact now have.

The thing is liberty.

Barack Obama and his fellow marxists in Washington want to take liberty from us. We even want them to have liberty, as well. But we are determined that they will not take our liberty from us.

The beauty of liberty is that you don’t get it by taking it from someone else, but by insisting that they keep theirs, too.

*Being a charitiable sort, I’ll give them the small ‘m’

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