Friday, July 31, 2009

A tad late but hey its still an issue

OK so its a tad late, but hindsight is typically clearer anyway.

So is anyone else scratching their head and trying to figure out just why the President of the United States, arguably one of the most powerful man in the world (Lord that's a scary thought)would even BOTHER to get involved in day to day police business?

For those who had their head in the sand, here is the situation as it appears to have run through.

A woman passing by a home in Cambridge Massachusetts sees two men trying to gain entry to a house without a key. The woman tells someone who then telephones 911 to report the possible "crime" in progress. To include a report purportedly stating that the men used their shoulders to get in through the door.

The police are dispatched and arrive to find two men inside the home. They request the men come outside and one of them becomes "verbally abusive" and the office ends up arresting the individual.

Now notice there have been no racial overtones, etc. So why did this situation blow up all out of proportion. Could it be that a radical individual was upset because he had ranted for so very long about unjust profiling that he failed to see and appreciate the situation? That someone had the decency to report what appeared to be a break in at his house. That the police had the need, indeed the right, to identify the occupants of the house at the time. Instead this turned into a quagmire. Is it a problem with race relations or a problem with a grown man's attitude toward society in general.

And enter the President. Upon being questioned off handed (albeit expectantly) about his impressions, did the man say - I do not have sufficient information to respond? Did the man say that the situation should be allowed to play itself out and in the background sic the federal government on the city? No he opens his mount and says the police officer acted STUPIDLY. So basically we have the highest authority in the land condemning a police officer without having a clue as to the situation. I can only hope that when pressed he won't have us push the trigger because the other guy "acted stupidly."

And THEN he has the parties get together in the Rose Garden and have a beer get together. End result - no change. Well at least he wasn't spending money again.

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